- Care home
Drumconner Care Home
Report from 7 January 2025 assessment
Our view of the service
Drumconner Care Home is registered to provide care, nursing and support for up to 37 people. The service provides residential and nursing care for older adults, and people who have physical care needs. At the time of this assessment, there were 28 people living at the service. This was a planned assessment of the service. The assessment took place between 13 January and 15 January 2025. Risks to people were identified, assessed and safe ways of working contributed to their wellbeing. Safeguarding procedures were in place and there was confidence in the registered manager to address any issues. Staff were passionate about supporting people to remain independent and gave examples of how they did this in practice. People can only be deprived of their liberty to receive care and treatment when this is in their best interests and legally authorised under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). In care homes, and some hospitals, this is usually through MCA application procedures called the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). We checked whether the service was working within the principles of the MCA, whether appropriate legal authorisations were in place when needed to deprive a person of their liberty, and whether any conditions relating to those authorisations were being met. Staff were committed to treating people with dignity and respect, appreciating their unique differences. People had access to a wide variety of activities both within the service and in the community. Observations of care interactions were positive. Staff had the necessary skills and experience to provide care and there was a recruitment process in place. However, this was not always completed in accordance with the providers policy. The registered manager took immediate action to strengthen the process, and we were fully assured by their actions.
People's experience of this service
People and their relatives told us Drumconner Care Home was a safe and happy place to be. Some comments included, “They are like family, it’s a great place”, “I can’t speak highly enough of them”, “It’s down to the calibre of staff, they are really nice”, “It feels like my home”, and “Our loved one [name] is really happy there.” Relatives told us they had peace of mind and were confident in the registered manager and staff team. People told us they were supported with kindness and offered choices in their daily lives. People told us there were enough staff and were able to ask for help when they needed. Activities and events within the service were enjoyed by all. People, their relatives and staff were complimentary about the professionalism and passion of the registered manager of the service.