• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

Ellern Mede Barnet

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

2 Warwick Road, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 5EE (020) 8959 6311

Provided and run by:
Oak Tree Forest Limited

Report from 28 May 2024 assessment



Updated 5 November 2024

Our overall rating of effective at Ellern Mede Barnet has improved and is now good. We assessed 6 quality statements. Staff assessed the physical and mental health of all patients on admission. They developed individual care plans which were reviewed regularly through multidisciplinary discussion and updated as needed. Care plans reflected patients’ assessed needs, and were personalised, holistic and recovery oriented. The service now had access to a full multidisciplinary team. The occupational therapist and clinical psychologist vacancies had been recruited into. This meant that patients were offered a range of therapeutic support. Staff delivered treatment in line with best practice and evidence-based guidance. Staff met patients’ dietary needs and assessed those needing specialist care for nutrition and hydration. Patients were supported to live healthier lives. Both adult consultant psychiatrists had now completed their mandatory and CAMHS training. Staff from different disciplines worked together as a team to benefit patients. They supported each other to make sure patients had no gaps in their care. Outcome measures were used to monitor patient outcomes and provide assurance that the treatments and interventions being used were having a positive effect on patients’ recovery.