• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

Ellern Mede Barnet

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

2 Warwick Road, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 5EE (020) 8959 6311

Provided and run by:
Oak Tree Forest Limited

Report from 28 May 2024 assessment



Updated 5 November 2024

Our overall rating of safe at Ellern Mede Barnet has improved and is now good. We assessed 8 quality statements. There was a positive learning safety culture where events were investigated and learning was embedded to promote good practice. Staff were open and honest when things went wrong or could be a risk. The service worked well with system partners to ensure that patients received continuity of care when discharged from the service. Staff understood how to protect patients from abuse and the service worked well with other agencies to do so. Staff had training on how to recognise and report abuse and they knew how to apply it. Patients reported that they felt safe on the wards. Staff assessed and managed risks to patients and themselves well. They achieved the right balance between maintaining safety and providing the least restrictive environment possible to support patients’ recovery. Patients were involved in formulating their least restrictive intervention management plan. Patients mostly lived in a clean and safe environment. However, we found two blind spots and three ligature points that had not been identified by the provider. Action was taken to address these in the assessment period. Staffing had improved. The hospital had recruited into nursing, care staff and occupational therapy and psychologist vacancies. Agency staff were no longer used and any locum staff that the service used to fill shifts had been trained in the provider’s bespoke restraint training. Medicines management and the post monitoring of rapid tranquilisation had improved. Medicine incidents were reviewed by the pharmacist and multidisciplinary team.