- Independent mental health service
Ellern Mede Barnet
Report from 28 May 2024 assessment
Our overall rating of safe at Ellern Mede Barnet has improved and is now good. We assessed 7 quality statements. Leaders understood and embodied the culture and values of the workforce and the organisation. Leaders had the skills, knowledge and experience to perform their roles, had a good understanding of the services they managed, and were visible in the service and approachable for patients and staff. Staff said they felt respected, supported and valued. The service had an open and transparent culture where people could speak up and be heard. Improvements had been made to the governance arrangements within the service. There was now good oversight of actions from audits, medicines management, staff training and the therapeutic support on offer to patients. There were clear performance and risk management systems based around delivering safe and good quality care and treatment. The service worked well with system partners and knew which areas of the service required improvement.